Saturday, August 9, 2014

My livestock adventure began 17 years ago with chickens. Cows are supreme for me, of course. Pigs and ducks make my favorite barnyard noise. But pound for pound, its difficult to beat the charm simplicity honesty and productivity of chickens.

Chickens in a pen make me sad. I don't enjoy them in captivity. And I guess that's an obvious thing, we all dislike cages. But its difficult to see the charm of chickens when they are penned, just standing there in their own manure. I love the way free chickens run around so busily. Their gate is funny and endearing, awkward but not without grace. You can't see that in a pen. Nor the way they work the land, chatting with each other quietly. And I don't think I will ever get tired of finding eggs in tidy boxes in the yard. Food, literally, just sitting there prepackaged and perfect. The domesticity of chickens makes them such a comfort, always there outside the kitchen door, cleaning up scraps, spiders, ticks, and grubs. They work with an easy calm dedication that is neither showy or perfectionistic and are wonderful company for introverted housewives. Every mother should have a few birds in the yard.

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